CEED Research Grants & Scholarships

CEED offers two options to provide funding (up to $8000 over two years) to researchers:

1) Research Grant

A research grant will be awarded to a researcher or a research team for a single research project. The project must be completed within two years of receiving the notification of the award. To encourage completion of the project and dissemination of the results, the grant will be dispersed in two installments – 2/3 of the grant disbursed immediately and 1/3 of grant dispersed once the findings have been reported and a summary article for dissemination provided.

Purpose and Focus of the Award:

CEED seeks to promote research activity that will advance and strengthen the understanding of experiential, cooperative, and work-integrated education and internships in post-secondary education. An awarded study may sample from a variety of disciplines and ideally will include some sampling from engineering and/or computer science. Regardless, the results must have direct educational implications for the disciplines of engineering and or computer science along with the other disciplines that may be included.


  1. The grant competition is open to both members and non-members of CEED
  2. The Principal Investigator must be affiliated with a post-secondary institution
  3. The Principal Investigator must have an established research and publication record
  4. The aspects of the research for which this funding is being requested must not be funded by other agencies

Click HERE (Adobe PDF file) for a full copy of the Research Grant guidelines

2) Undergraduate and Graduate Research Scholarship

A research scholarship will be awarded to an undergraduate or graduate student researcher for a single research project. The project must be completed within two years of receiving the notification of the award.  To encourage completion of the project and dissemination of the results, the scholarship will be dispersed in two installments: 1/2 dispersed immediately and 1/2 dispersed once the findings have been reported and a summary article for dissemination provided.

Purpose and Focus of the Scholarship Award:

CEED supports undergraduate and graduate research to advance and strengthen the understanding of experiential, cooperative, and work-integrated education and internships in post-secondary education. The research project for which a scholarship may be awarded may sample from a large variety of disciplines and ideally include some sampling from engineering and/or computer science. Regardless, the results must have direct educational implications for the disciplines of engineering and/or computer science along with the other disciplines that may be included.


  1. The student researcher must be enrolled in a post-secondary institution
  2. The researcher’s supervisor must have an established research and publication record
  3. The specific research for which the scholarship applies must not be funded by other agencies

Click HERE (Adobe PDF file) for a full copy of the Undergraduate and Graduate Research Scholarship guidelines.

CEED Research Archives

Committee ContactBernadette Friedrich, Ph.D.Director, The Center for Spartan EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMichigan State University517-355-5163friedric@egr.msu.edu