Cooperative and experiential education programs are … Structured educational strategies which integrate classroom study with learning in productive work experiences in a field related to a student’s academic and/or career goals. These programs are a partnership among educational institutions, employers, and students.

What we’re all about … We want to promote cooperative education, internship, and experiential education programs in engineering and e ngineering t echnology to academia, businesses, industry and government across the United States and beyond.

General Goals of CEED are to … Foster better understanding of cooperative education, internships, and experiential education; i mprove experiential programs and services to students, educators, and employers; develop closer relationships between colleges and participating employers that recruit engineering majors; discuss issues of interest within the scope of cooperative education, internships, and experiential education; promote research in the field of cooperative education, internships, and experiential education.

What CEED has to Offer…

  • PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT through the national ASEE Conference held in June and the Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration held in late January/early February
  • ACCESS to industry, business, and government services information
  • INFORMATION on integration of ABET student outcomes with cooperative education, internships, and experiential education practices
  • STATISTICS on experiential students and programs
  • SUBSCRIPTION to CEED Newsbriefs and ASEE Prism
  • DIRECTORY of engineering cooperative and experiential programs 

A Historical Look at Cooperative & Experiential Education Division…

For a comprehensive history of cooperative education, please read Co-op’s 90-year odyssey by Sam Sovilla.  Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner, the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE).  The original article appeared in the ASEE PRISM; Jan. 1998; pp. 18-23.

  • 1926 Founded as Association of Cooperative Colleges
    • * NOTE: It is the oldest experiential education organization
  • 1928 Revised as Standing Committee on Engineering Education
  • 1930 Renamed as Division on Cooperative Engineering Education
  • 1941 Renamed as the Cooperative Education Division
  • 2009 Cooperative & Experiential Education Division in its present role