Bylaws of the Cooperative & Experiential Education Division (CEED)

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FEBRUARY 1, 1972 (as amended June 26, 1973, June 22, 1983, February 4, 1988, October 1, 1994, January 26, 1995, May 16, 2000, January 2005, October 2008, June 15, 2014, March 8, 2019, June 28, 2022, March 24, 2023)


The name of this Division shall be The Cooperative and Experiential Education Division of the American Society for Engineering Education.


The purposes of this Division are identical to those set forth in Article I, Section 2, of the Constitution of ASEE. Other purposes of the Division are to develop a better understanding of the principles of Cooperative and Experiential Education, to encourage and promote improvement in programs of Cooperative and Experiential Education, and to foster closer relationships between institutions of higher education and employers. The original aims and ideals of the Division are set forth in Cooperative Education-a Manifesto (Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 37, No. 2, October 1946).


Section 1. The Division endorses the ASEE “Statement on Diversity and Inclusiveness,” including its emphasis on widespread participation, inclusion, and empowerment of marginalized and historically under-represented segments of society in all engineering education and career activities. We believe all must be provided with equality of opportunity to pursue and advance in engineering careers and that no individual should experience marginalization or non-inclusiveness of their contributions or talents because of visible or invisible differences. We believe this to be essential to the broad-based education of all engineers, their contributions to society, and the development of imaginative and enduring solutions to global problems.

Section 2. At the invitation of the ASEE Committee on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (CDEI), the Division Chair shall appoint a non-voting delegate to the CDEI. It shall be the responsibility of the delegate to communicate ideas from the Division to the CDEI, and to bring forth specific proposals that emerge out of society-wide conversations within the Committee for consideration by the Division and its membership.


Section 1. Any member of ASEE who has an interest in Cooperative and Experiential Education is eligible for membership in this Division. The membership list shall include those members of ASEE who indicate their desire to participate in the programs and activities of the Division. New members of ASEE should indicate this interest at the time application for membership in the Society is made. Any member of ASEE may request affiliation with the Cooperative and Experiential Education Division (within the 6-division-per-member limitation) either by letter request to the Executive Director of ASEE at any time or by notation on the annual dues notice and pay the division dues of $10.00 per year.

Section 2. Individuals who are not members of ASEE but who have an interest in Cooperative and Experiential Education are invited to attend the ASEE Annual Conference and/or the Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration. Non-member attendees may participate in the program and business meetings, but they will have no vote in the business or elections of the Division. These persons will be informed concerning membership in the Society and be encouraged to apply for membership.


Section 1. The business of the Cooperative and Experiential Education Division shall be administered by an Executive Committee and Executive Board.

The Executive Committee shall consist of the:

  • Chair of the Division, who shall serve as Chair of the Board
  • Chair-Elect
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Immediate Past-Chair

The Executive Board shall consist of the:

  • The Executive Committee
  • Membership Chair
  • Communication Chair
  • Award Chair
  • Research Chair/Archivist
  • ASEE CEED Program Chair
  • ASEE CEED Assistant Program Chair
  • CIEC CEED Program Chair
  • CIEC CEED Assistant Program Chair
  • Industry Representative
  • Academic Representative

Section 2. The Chair and Executive Committee may appoint Ad Hoc roles to include additional representatives to the Board that align with the Divisions mission and goals.

Section 3. Position descriptions and a Division Organization Chart of the Executive Board and appointed positions shall be part of an addendum to the Division Constitution.  Position Descriptions shall be updated and approved as necessary by majority vote of the Executive Board.


Section 1. The Chair of the Division follows a succession.  The Chair Elect becomes the Chair, the Chair becomes the Past Chair, and the Past Chair roles off the board each year.  The succession of Chair positions results in a three-year term for each individual.

Section 2. The Chair-Elect must have prior experience on the CEED Board. The other Board Members shall be elected for a term of two years by the members of the Division in accordance with the procedures set forth in Article VI, Sections 3 and 4.

Section 3. The Chair shall appoint a Nominating Committee consisting of three members of the Division. The outgoing Past-Chair shall be the Chair of the Nominating Committee.

Section 4. The Nominating Committee will present nominations of candidates for all offices as needed at the business meeting during the annual Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration (CIEC). Nomination of a Chair and Chair-Elect will be made every year and other positions will be filled as needed. Additional nominations may be made from the floor. In the event that the Nominating Committee cannot find a qualified candidate for nomination as an Executive Board Member and one is not nominated from the floor or a position becomes vacant, the Division Chair may appoint, until the next election, a qualified member of the Division. The nominees must be members of ASEE and CEED and their consent must be secured prior to their nomination. The Nominating Committee may also present nominations to fill any unexpired term except that of Chair (See Article VI, Section 5).

Section 5. In the event the Chair is unable to complete the term of office, the Chair-Elect will succeed to the office of Chair and continue as Chair through the following term.

Section 6. Election shall be by majority vote of members present at the CEED Business Meeting at the annual Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration. Newly elected officers shall assume office at the end of the CIEC.


Section 1. The Division will schedule at least one annual meeting of the membership.

Section 2. A program of the Division focused on Cooperative and Experiential Education and related professional development shall be coordinated at CIEC at the annual meeting of the membership. The meeting may include meal events, business agenda, and other such sessions as deemed appropriate by the Division Executive Board.

Section 3. The Division Board may elect to sponsor additional meetings (one-day, regional, workshop, training, etc.) to further the support of a commitment to Cooperative and Experiential Education.


Section 1. The Chair-Elect shall be the Chair’s representative in direct contact with and coordinating the activities of the CEED Committees. The Chair-Elect may assist in carrying out those policies and programs as agreed upon by the Chair and the Executive Board.

Section 2. The Chair shall appoint special committees as are necessary for the adequate functioning of the Division. Standing Committees of the division are:

  • Nomination Committee, led by the Past Chair
  • Membership Engagement Committee, led by the Chair Elect
  • Financial Review Committee., led by the Chair
  • Awards Committee, led by the Awards Chair

Section 3. Committees shall prepare electronic reports for distribution at meetings of the Executive Board which will be filed with the Archivist by the Secretary as part of the permanent records of the Division.

Section 4. Other Ad Hoc committees may be formed as needed by the Chair and the Executive Committee and appropriate chairperson appointed who are not voting members of the Executive Board. Members of the Executive Board may serve as chairpersons of Ad Hoc committees.


Section 1. Any funds accumulated by the Division shall be used to further the purposes, aims, and ideals as stated in Article II of the Bylaws.

Section 2. The Treasurer shall receive all funds belonging to the Division; keep an account of all receipts and expenditures; shall present in writing a financial report at the end of each fiscal year and at any other time when requested to do so by the Chair.

Section 3. The fiscal year of the Cooperative and Experiential Education Division will be from February 1 – January 31 effective February 1, 1995.

Section 4. All disbursements shall be made consistent with ASEE policies from either the ASEE Division Operating Account, the ASEE BASS Account, or local Division funds maintained by the Division Treasurer.

Section 5. In the event of dissolution of the Division, none of its funds shall be distributed to any of the members; and all funds shall be transferred to such other organization or organizations as the Executive Board will determine to have purposes and activities most nearly consonant to those of the Division, provided that such other organization or organizations shall be exempt under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code or corresponding provisions of the Internal Revenue Laws.


Section 1. The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order (latest edition) shall govern this Division in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are consistent with the Constitution and Bylaws of ASEE or the Bylaws of this Division. In other cases, the Constitution and Bylaws of ASEE shall govern.

Section 2. Any action of this Division shall be invalid if it is in conflict with the Constitution or Bylaws of ASEE.

Section 3. A quorum will consist of those members present at any business meeting that has been announced at least 15 days prior to the meeting. Email notifications will normally be used to announce business meetings and other items to be brought before the membership at large for discussion and/or vote.


Section 1. Amendments to these Bylaws may be made during any business meeting of the Division by a two-thirds affirmative vote of the members present, provided all members are notified of the proposed amendment at least 15 days prior to the business meeting at which the amendment is to be considered.

Section 2. These Bylaws may also be amended by email ballot to the membership of the Division, the amendment being approved if two-thirds or more of the ballots returned within 15 days after they are favorable.

Section 3. Amendments, if passed by a two-thirds majority of all members voting, shall be submitted to the ASEE Board of Directors through the appropriate PIC Chair and become effective only upon approval by the ASEE Board of Directors.


Position Descriptions for Board Members

Division Chair

  • Responsible for providing the overall leadership to the Division and presiding at regular and special meetings of the Division Executive Board.
  • Responsible for maintaining liaison with other ASEE divisions/groups to promote and protect the Division’s interests.
  • Provide guidance to conference program chairs and assistant program chairs.
  • Assist Secretary with meeting agenda and minute reporting.
  • Review Treasurer reports and verify all account activity.
  • Call a minimum of six Executive Board meetings each year.
  • Report newly elected Board Members to ASEE Central Headquarters, including those with Listserv Access.
  • Delegate tasks and responsibilities to Board Members related to goals and objectives of Division for the year.
  • Responsible for leading the Financial Review Committee.
  • Collaborate with Executive Committee to plan November Board Retreat.

Division Chair Elect

  • Assume the responsibilities of the Chair in his/her absence at Board Meetings.
  • Assume the Chair role if the Chair cannot fulfill his/her term.
  • Support the Annual Conferences as needed.
  • Responsible for leading the Membership Engagement Committee.
  • Collaborate with Executive Committee to plan November Board Retreat.

Division Past Chair

  • Serves as a Chair in an advisory capacity, maintaining continuity from one group of officers to the next.
  • Responsible for leading the Nomination Committee.
  • Assist with Division Calendar of Event planning outside of Annual Conferences
  • Oversee the functions of Ad Hoc members and assist when appropriate.
  • Collaborate with Executive Committee to plan November Board Retreat.


  • Acts as custodian of whatever funds the Division shall accumulate.
  • Responsible for the disbursement of Division funds shall be at the discretion of the Chair and the Board.
  • Submit a Treasurer’s Report at Board and regular business meetings of the Division.
  • Process payments for award winners, business purchases, grant disbursements, etc.
  • Serves as a member of the Financial Review Committee.
  • Collaborate with Executive Committee to plan November Board Retreat.


  • Responsible for the minutes of all CEED Executive Board and Business Meetings within two weeks after their close, both general and special
  • Responsible for all official business records of the Division, as well as the official correspondence on behalf of the Division.
  • Collaborate with Executive Committee to plan November Board Retreat.

Membership Chair

  • Monitor the membership of the Division, including maintaining a roster of current members
  • Correspond with members whose membership has lapsed
  • Brainstorm, lead and execute new member recruitment activities.
  • Establishes a timetable to periodically receive updated CEED Membership information from ASEE Membership Chair.
  • Sends CEED information and ASEE application to those who express an interest in CEED.
  • Sends out periodic emails to the division announcing new members and encourage all members to attend CIEC. 
  • Sends a reminder to current CEED members to renew their membership.
  • Creates and sends promotional advertisements to Prism Magazine as requested by CEED Board.


Communication Chair

  • Responsible for developing an awareness of and promoting cooperative education and the Division as an integral and important link between students, educators, and industry.
  • Develop marketing materials for the association as needed for the conferences, awards, or other events or resources.
  • Maintain the Social Media accounts for the association.
  • Collaborate with the Membership Chair to ensure events and information is promoted to Division contact lists.

Award Chair

  • Recruits committee members to select awards recipients as appropriate for the following awards:
  • Publishes deadlines and criteria for accepting nominations for specific awards.
  • Promptly communicates awardee selection to ASEE headquarters.
  • Obtains necessary information on awardee to transmit to ASEE headquarters for publicity and publication.
  • Notifies awardee of selection and presentation details.
  • Notifies nominators of nominees who were and were not selected.
  • Works with Division’s CIEC program chair to prepare for awards presentations at CIEC.  This includes ordering plaques, program printing and management of recognition event and any necessary travel accommodations.

Research Chair/Archivist

  • Responsible for keeping the official record of the organization and its history and retention of records received as a board member.
  • Promote research activity that will advance and strengthen the understanding of experiential, cooperative, and work-integrated education and internships in post-secondary education through grant awarding.

ASEE CEED Program Chair

  • Consult with the Division Chair and Executive Board in the development, organization and conduct of programs. The Program Chair shall be responsible for paper reviews, panels, educational sessions, socials, and all other activities at the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference.
  • Attend the ASEE Conference planning meetings throughout the planning cycle.
  • Promote the ASEE Conference to CEED membership, follow up with previous attendees.
  • Collaborate with other ASEE Divisions as needed.
  • Prepare final report for CEED Board following conference.

ASEE CEED Assistant Program Chair

  • Support the ASEE Program Chair in the program development for the Division.
  • Plan the Division Social to take place during the conference.
  • Coordinate the session evaluation process and report to division results of the evaluations.
  • Assume the ASEE CEED Program Chair role at the conclusion of the conference.

CIEC CEED Program Chair

  • Consult with the Division Chair and Executive Board in the development, organization and conduct of programs. The Program Chair shall be responsible for program planning at the Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration as long as CEED is participating in the CIEC.
  • Attend the CIEC Conference planning meetings throughout the planning cycle
  • Attend the in-person Spring site visit to the hotel/facilities for the CIEC Conference.
  • Coordinates sessions within the time frame set by CIEC Conference Management team, including inviting speakers, notifying headquarters of logistics, participants, etc.
  • Promotes the CIEC to CEED membership, follows up with previous attendees.
  • Prepares final report for CEED Board following conference.

CIEC CEED Assistant Program Chair

  • Support the CIEC Program Chair in the program development for the Division.
  • Plan the Division Awards Social with the Awards Chair and Treasurer to take place during the conference.
  • Coordinate the session evaluation process and report to division results of the evaluations.
  • Assume the CIEC CEED Program Chair role at the conclusion of the conference.

Industry Representative

  • Responsible for serving as a voice of Industry as it related to cooperative education and experiential learning.
  • Communicate, network, and discuss trends in the educator network as needed from their lens.
  • Serve on a Division Committee aligned with interests and strengths.
  • Attend Division Board Meetings and support Division activities.
  • Collaborate with the Membership chair on initiatives to foster relationships with division members.

Academic Representative

  • Responsible for serving as a voice of Educators as it related to cooperative education and experiential learning.
  • Communicate, network, and discuss trends in the industry network as needed from their lens.
  • Serve on a Division Committee aligned with interests and strengths.
  • Attend Division Board Meetings and support Division activities.
  • Collaborate with the Membership chair on initiatives to foster relationships with division members.