Become A CEED Member

1.) You must be a member of the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE). If you are NOT a member of ASEE, obtain and complete a membership application.

2.) On your membership application, indicate your wish to be a member of the CEED Division by selecting this as a divisional affiliation and including an additional $10.00 with your dues (for this divisional membership).

If you are a member of ASEE: 

Indicate on your renewal form that you wish to be a member the CEED Division and include the $10.00 with your dues. 

Applications are available at a conference or ASEE Annual Meeting, on the web at:

… or from the Membership Committee.

If you have any questions concerning obtaining membership into the Cooperative & Experiential Education Division, please feel free to contact:

Membership Chair 
Chris Frankovic
Director of Co-Op and Internships
University of Pittsburgh
Swanson School of Engineering
Benedum Hall 3700, O’Hara Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15261
United States

Cooperative & Experiential Education Division