- CURRENT NEWS and special rates on related annual conferences
- PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT through the national American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Conference held in June and the Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration (CIEC) held in late January/early February
- ACCESS to industry, business, and government services information
- INFORMATION on integration of ABET student outcomes with cooperative education, internship, and experiential education practices
- STATISTICS on experiential students and programs
- SUBSCRIPTION to CEED Newsbriefs and ASEE Prism magazine
- DIRECTORY of engineering cooperative education and internship programs
- RECOGNITION & AWARDS eligible to nominate for student co-op and intern of the year awards, professional practitioner award, employer award
- RESEARCH FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES in the field of professional practice and experiential learning
- LEADERSHIP AND PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES by volunteering to be a CEED Board member, Committee member, paper reviewer (ASEE conference), moderator (ASEE and CIEC conference)
- SOCIAL MEDIA to post job openings, ask questions, connect with peers and colleagues (CEED Linkedin Group “Cooperative and Experiential Education Division of ASEE;” CEED Twitter account “https://twitter.com/CEEDofASEE @CEEDofASEE)
- CEED MailServ to post job openings, ask questions, share pertinent information with the membership
The CEED MailServ discusses topics about the Cooperative & Experiential Education Division. It is a moderated list, therefore all messages for the list must be sent to the moderator
To subscribe, unsubscribe, or send a message to the list, please send email to:
Membership Chair
Chris Frankovic
Director of Co-Op and Internships
University of Pittsburgh
Swanson School of Engineering
Benedum Hall 3700, O’Hara Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15261
United States
Email: caf54@pitt.edu