We are excited to host the 2025 Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration. The 49th annual conference. February 5-7, 2025, will take place at the beautiful Green Valley Ranch Resort and Spa in Henderson, Nevada, with the topic: Replicating Success in an Ever-Changing Future.
You are invited to submit a conference session paper, session, or poster to share your experience and high impact practices with other industry and education professionals. The deadline to submit your proposal is Monday, April 1, 2024.
There are five options for a submission:
- Workshop (75 min.): Hands-on learning activity for a group of 15-30 attendees.
- Session (75 min.): Presenters will present to and facilitate conversation with a group of 15-30 attendees.
- Plenary (90 min.): All attendee speaker session
- Poster (Wed/Thr): Open sessions
- Speed Session (25 min., repeated 3 times during 75 min. session): Presenters will share a best practice with a group of 8 attendees who will rotate to three different tables during the session.
To increase your chances for selection, you may select multiple proposal types from the list above.
Consider the following categories when constructing your proposal. Examples of possible program topics are included, although the list is not exclusive.
- Innovation – Small or big, what are you doing that is new and working well? The innovation may be new to your campus or organization AND/OR new to the field. Even if you’ve been doing it for a decade, if others are not yet, it can be classified as innovation. Areas of interest include: technology, social media and marketing, creative funding for student experiences, creative use of budget, course development and teaching methods, workforce development.
- Relationship Building – What are the most effective methods and techniques for developing relationships and increasing engagement with campus partners, faculty, students, and employers? Areas of interest include: developing students into professionals, generational differences in the workplace and on campus, changing leadership perspectives, staff development, maintaining and growing relationships in the face of changes in structure and finances.
- Assessment and Structure – Almost every college and employer structures internships and cooperative education differently. How do you do what you do? What is the structure of your program? And, how do you know it is working? Areas of interest include: student learning outcomes, program outcomes, assessing effectiveness of services, using data to make decisions, how to collect and analyze great data, structure of co-op and/or internship program, curriculum development, zero credit internships, transcript notation, grant writing, developing and leveraging institutional/company support.
- Diversity and Inclusion – How do you ensure equity and access for all? Areas of interest include: making and maintaining global connections, effective outreach to and effective planning for underrepresented populations, helping students navigate cultural differences in the workplace, partnerships with diverse student groups, navigating accessible workspaces, understanding why some students fail at co-op/internships, staff education around privilege and inclusion, inclusive career development theories and practice, universal design in student experiences at work and on campus.
- Legal, Legal, Legal – How are you and your organization navigating workforce laws? Areas of interest include: current recruiting policies and laws in your country, US Dept. of Labor FLSA Guidelines and the changing judicial interpretations, US Title IX compliance, coordinating experiences for visiting international students including OPT and CPT within the US, hiring internationally, US Affordable Care Act and its impact on student experiences, managing interns and co-ops, navigating the new overtime pay rules in the US, ethical employer outreach strategies.
Are you joining us in Nevada? Consider submitting a proposal to present! Go to the following link: Submit CEED Proposal for CIEC 2025 Here.
Presentations must be related to the conference theme and or to the collaboration of industry/government and academia. Please note that all presenters must register for the conference and pay the appropriate registration fee. Contact CEED Program Chair Sandi Brabb at (509) 335-3740, brabb@wsu.edu, or Assistant Program Chair Nadia Ibrahim-Taney, Ibrahim, ibrahini@ucmail.uc.edu, for questions or ideas.
Looking forward to seeing great topics come through!